All about an extraordinary road trip from New Jersey to San Antonio, and back again.

Archive for January, 2008

The Map

Monday, January 28th, 2008

themap.jpgWhen I came across a geo-mashup plugin for WordPress, I knew it was just the thing for our travel blog. The plugin interfaces with Google Maps and lets us specify a location for each post.

If you take a look at our map page, you can see it in action.

If you switch to the satellite view and zoom in really close, you *may* be able to see our car. If not, we might have already moved on… look down the road a piece.

The Tickets

Sunday, January 20th, 2008

747.jpgGot ’em! Now I’m committed 😉

The Plan

Thursday, January 17th, 2008

route.jpgAlthough there will be a lot of fine-tuning, I think there’s a route finally taking shape. Armed with Microsoft’s Streets & Trips and with the aid of such sites as, and, our great “there and back again” is turning into a thing of great promise…

The Mission

Tuesday, January 15th, 2008


In March 2008, Dave and Ollie will depart for a cross-country extravaganza; a road trip of mind-boggling proportion that will take them from the dark heart of Newark, New Jersey, across the American Heartland to beautiful downtown San Antonio, Texas, where they will appreciate first hand the historic and revered Alamo Mission.

With great anticipation of this bold excursion, this travel blog has been created to keep a diary of their life on the road, and to track their progress toward this lofty and inspiring goal.